The Immature Yang Energy in Women

The concept of yin and yang is a fundamental concept in traditional Chinese philosophy, representing the dualistic nature of the universe. Yin represents the feminine, passive, and receptive energy, while yang represents the masculine, active, and assertive energy. According to this philosophy, both yin and yang are essential for balance and harmony in the universe.

However, in modern society, there is often an overemphasis on the masculine yang energy, particularly in women. This can lead to what is often referred to as "immature yang energy" in women, which refers to an excessive focus on assertiveness, competition, and achievement, often at the expense of more yin qualities like empathy, nurturing, and intuition.

This emphasis on immature yang energy in women can be seen in the pressure to excel in traditionally male-dominated fields, the cultural glorification of "girl bosses" and "hustle culture," and the societal expectations placed on women to prioritize their careers over their personal lives.

While it's important for women to have the freedom to pursue their ambitions and passions, it's also crucial to recognize the value of more yin qualities and to embrace a more balanced approach to life. By nurturing our feminine energy, we can cultivate qualities like compassion, intuition, and emotional intelligence, which can enhance our relationships, our personal fulfillment, and our overall well-being.

In conclusion, the concept of yin and yang highlights the importance of balance and harmony in all aspects of life. By recognizing and embracing both our yin and yang energies, we can create a more fulfilling and meaningful life for ourselves and others.

One of the big challenges in life according to Carl Jung is developing the Animus and Anima (the Yang and Yin energy) in us.

It is an important step in the individuation process. The first step in life is developing a healthy ego and a corresponding persona. The persona results from the conflict between the shadow and the ego. We need to adapt to our society so we form a persona. The shadow is the opposite energy of the persona. Everything that we do not like or accept about ourselves is stored in the personal shadow. Later in life it is crucial to explore the shadow. If we do not do that, these energies remain immature. The immature yang energy in a woman is often a result of not being in touch with her own Yin energy. because of the enormous emphasis on masculine traits in our society, the yin is considered less important Yin energy has been suffering a repression in the collective for centuries. The animus (the yang energy) is formed in a woman by her experience with the masculine (father, boyfriends, school, uncles).

An example of how immature yang energy is formed in a woman: a loyal, intellectual daughter who performs well in school could have developed a mask (persona) as a result of growing up in a family with demanding yang energy, focused on thinking (extraverted thinking) and logic. This one-sided development where yin energy was not a priority can result in a dis-balance in the psyche (and body).

The woman will develop her Animus (inner yang energy) in the same way. Demanding perfection from everything and everyone around here. This can be unconscious. A blind spot.

This demand is also directed toward herself. It’s without any compromise and compassion. This will often make it very hard for her to have loving fulfilling relationships.

She lacks a sense of humor, a clear sign of animus possession (meaning the archetype has such a big influence on the individual’s psyche that it almost is taking over her being, which can be very unhealthy).

When there has been a lot of (immature) masculine dominance in her childhood, she might become extremely assertive, not letting anyone close or the other extreme she will become like Cinderella, the sweet and loyal daughter that makes herself as small as possible.

If the yang energy (animus) is projected outward, she will seek validation from male figures. She might blame others for her stagnation in life. Stuck in a relationship with a man that has repressed his feminine side (the anima) and wants to keep her small (because he is scared of his own feminine inside, and he is seeking control (keeping her under control / stuck).

Breaking free from this requires shadow work. When she grows, the man has to grow with her or she has to leave. Shadow work will help her understand there is a lot of feminine energy in her shadow that is gold for her. Feeling, relating, compassion, slowing down, sensations, sexuality, sensuality, intimacy, receiving, relaxing. This will create a strong core of feminine energy and from that core she can make the yang energy more mature. It starts with a strong core in Yin energy.

A woman that integrates her mature yang energy becomes a significant support to a man that wants to get to know his yin energy better. Without this balance, a woman can not help a man do that.

Without a balance in yin energy, a man can not help his woman develop her animus.

Immature yin attracts immature yang, mature yin attracts and supports mature yang, and vice versa.

The mature version of yang energy in a woman has understanding and compassion for others (including men). A strong sense of self. Does not need to imitate men. Does not need to be in conflict all the time. She trusts her intuition and her womanhood. She develops a strong capacity to discern (often stronger than a man with unbalanced yin energy).

The shadow work part is really important. A negative animus (immature yang energy) is still attached to the shadow. Developing the animus helps with discerning what is shadow, what is the persona, and what is self. The more the animus can break free from the shadow, the more it becomes an inner resource for the individuation process.

You can start your shadow work for free with out free shadow work exercises.

It’s also possible to start a shadow work therapy with one of us.

Explore your shadow side, the archetypes in your unconscious, learn the language of the soul and discover the gold hidden in the dark. 

The first session is only € 45,-


Carl Jung’s books


Introversion and Extroversion