From the shadow into the light

Develop a healthy relationship with your shadow

Start with the free four-week course

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Shadow work in four weeks

Do you recognize yourself in the following?

  • Rejecting sides of yourself and thereby experiencing a constant inner struggle

  • Often getting annoyed by the behavior of other people

  • Excessive behavior that you have no control over and regret later

  • Recurring sabotaging patterns that stand in the way of actual behavior change

And would you like to:

  • Gain insight into underlying mechanisms that determine your actions

  • Improve your relationships with others by taking responsibility for your own “projections”

  • Learn to accept yourself in both your qualities and shortcomings

  • Build self-confidence by entering into an honest relationship with yourself

Then experience what shadow work can do for you with the help of the free online course, or in online sessions with one of the therapists.

This course is in Dutch and English. For Dutch please subscribe here.

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious”

Carl Jung

In four weeks you will learn:

  • to recognize the shadow

  • to see how the shadow affects your life

  • awareness of how the shadow affects your relationships with others

  • exercises to connect with the shadow and integrate it step by step

  • to take care of your own needs in a mature way

  • to discover the hidden treasure (strength, compassion, wisdom) in the shadow

What is the shadow?

The shadow consists of the parts of ourselves that we do not want or cannot see directly. In our younger years, these parts were often unwelcome and we found a way to suppress them. They are not gone however, but live on in the unconscious. From the unconscious, the repressed parts come to the surface at unexpected moments and sabotage our goals, our relationships and our well-being. The shadow is characterized by primitive, childish and/or destructive behavior.

An example is the dear family man or woman who rarely expresses himself, but suddenly gets an outburst of anger or suffers from self-hatred. The anger is repressed, but sooner or later comes to the surface in an immature way. Each of us has our own shadow that manifests itself in different ways.

The importance of shadow work

Because we can't see our own suppressed parts, we unconsciously project the shadow onto other people. What we reject in ourselves we will fight, manipulate and condemn in the people who represent it. As a result, we create conflicts in ourselves and with others again and again.

Shadow work gets you out of victimhood. You get out of false dependency and don't have to put the blame for problems on others every time. By taking responsibility for your own shadow, you build a healthier relationship with yourself and others. Shadow work contributes to personal development and maturation. It brings you in touch with hidden talents and qualities and clears the blockages that keep you from living your true potential.

Carl Jung on the shadow

“A man who is unconscious of himself acts in a blind, instinctive way and is in addition fooled by all the illusions that arise when he sees everything that he is not conscious of in himself coming to meet him from the outside as projections upon his neighbor.”

How do you get started with shadow work?

After subscribing you will during four weeks receive more information about shadow work. You learn to understand how the shadow came into existence and how the unconscious parts influence your life. By shedding light on the underlying needs, you take responsibility for this long-hidden and repressed side. The sabotaging nature of the shadow transforms into a helping force, one that gives more energy and direction to your life.

Through various exercises we guide you in meeting your shadow and in the process of transformation. The course offers insights and tools which you can use to relate to yourself and others in a different way. This time from a place of more clarity, autonomy and compassion.

Is shadow work beneficial for everyone?

Shadow work is a liberating, inspiring and empowering process. However, in some cases we advise not to start. For shadow work it is important that you are sufficiently 'grounded' in yourself. This includes having the ability to look at yourself more objectively, possessing a degree of emotional stability, and being able to feel compassion for what is being touched in you. When you have any doubts, feel welcome to contact us. If needed we are happy to guide you in the process. We support you in creating more balance and stability, so you can lay the foundation for a mature relationship with yourself.