Who was Carl Jung?

Carl Jung (1875-1961) was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology. He is best known for his contributions to the understanding of the unconscious mind, the collective unconscious, and the archetypes.

Jung was trained in the methods of Sigmund Freud but eventually developed his own theories of the human psyche. He believed that the unconscious mind was not just a repository of repressed memories and desires, but also a source of creativity, wisdom, and spiritual insight.

Jung's concept of the collective unconscious holds that there are shared universal patterns of behavior and thought that are present in all human beings, regardless of culture or individual experience. He identified archetypes as the symbolic expressions of these universal patterns.

Jung's work has had a significant influence on psychology, as well as on fields such as literature, art, and religion. His ideas continue to be explored and debated by scholars and practitioners today.

We offer Jungian Analysis for everyone that wants to discover the hidden parts of their unconscious. We use his techniques such as dream analysis, shadow work, and active imagination.

The first session is only € 45,-