What is shadow work?

Shadow work is a term used to describe the process of exploring and addressing the parts of ourselves that we tend to repress or deny, often referred to as our "shadow" side. This concept was popularized by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, who believed that the shadow consists of the parts of ourselves that we reject or hide from others, such as our negative emotions, impulses, fears, and insecurities.

Shadow work involves bringing these aspects of ourselves into our conscious awareness, accepting them without judgment, and integrating them into our personality. This process can be challenging and uncomfortable, as it requires us to confront our own darkness and work through deep-seated emotional wounds.

However, the benefits of shadow work are numerous, including increased self-awareness, improved emotional regulation, and greater self-acceptance. Shadow work can also help us to develop more meaningful relationships and achieve a greater sense of inner peace and fulfillment.

Want to start with shadow work? Check out our services.

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