What is Jungian Analysis?

Jungian analysis is a form of psychotherapy developed by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. It is based on his theories of the human psyche and the collective unconscious.

Jung believed that the psyche consisted of both the conscious and unconscious mind, and that the unconscious mind contained archetypes or universal patterns of human behavior that could be explored through dreams, symbols, and other forms of expression.

In Jungian analysis, the therapist helps the patient explore their unconscious mind and identify the archetypes that may be influencing their behavior, emotions, and relationships. Through this exploration, the patient can gain greater insight into their inner world and develop a greater sense of wholeness and balance in their lives.

Jungian analysis is a long-term therapy that may involve regular sessions over a period of several years. It is often used to treat a wide range of mental health concerns, including anxiety, depression, trauma, and relationship issues.

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