What is Active Imagination?

Active imagination is a technique developed by the Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung. It involves a deliberate and conscious effort to engage with the unconscious mind through the use of the imagination.

In active imagination, the individual intentionally allows their thoughts and images to flow freely, without censorship or judgment. The goal is to create a dialogue between the conscious and unconscious aspects of the psyche, and to gain insight into one's inner world.

Jung believed that active imagination could help individuals to access and integrate unconscious material, such as repressed emotions, traumatic experiences, and unexpressed desires. Through this process, he believed that individuals could achieve greater self-awareness, psychological growth, and healing.

Active imagination can take many forms, such as journaling, painting, or other forms of creative expression. It may also involve guided visualization or meditation techniques. The key is to allow the imagination to flow freely, without interruption, and to reflect on the images and feelings that arise.

Active imagination is one of the techniques we use in our practice. Combined with embodied imagination, dream analysis, shadow work and systemic work.

Want to explore your psyche and discover the gold hidden in the dark?

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