Falling in Love
Our psyche loves to make us fall in love when we become too one-sided in ego consciousness. When we get ‘off-track’. If a current relationship is not working well, or if a partner starts to develop in a very different way, we can project traits that were in ‘sleeping mode’ onto a different person. These emotions have nothing to do with that other person. We will find that out, sooner or later. Sometimes too late.
Flying boys of the new age
Our grandiosity as little boys is healthy, we might feel like the son of a king, walking in the woods knowing the trees are alive. We felt like we would become king Arthur one day or Merlin the magician. Full of spirit and fueled by sexual instinct. We want to keep this feeling, we tend to forget about the negative things that happened in childhood, toxic relationships, abuse, or trauma.
The Value of Asking Questions to Yourself (it’s Easy and Free)
Great myths often highlight the importance of asking questions. To ask a question implies something beautiful. By doing it I humbly admit that I lack knowledge in a certain field and at the same time I confess I want to learn a new thing which will help me to move on.
Superiority vs Inferiority
Lately I am observing the inferiority complex in myself, and how it relates to feelings of superiority on the other hand. It’s like two sides of the same coin, with one being present and the other residing in the unconscious.
The Four Powers of the Human Psyche
Humans Quadrate the world in mythic images. The Warrior, Magician, Lover, and King/Queen are representing the core structures of the human psyche according to Robert Moore (1984, Professor of Psychoanalysis, Culture, and Spirituality at Chicago Theological Seminary, Jungian Analyst). In this blog, we will talk about these energies.