James Hillman's approach to working with your dreams

James Hillman was a psychologist and author who emphasized the importance of working with the symbolic and archetypal content of dreams. Here are some key features of Hillman's approach to dream work:

  1. Emphasis on the imagination: Hillman believed that the imagination was a key aspect of the psyche and that dreams could provide access to the deeper realms of the imagination. He emphasized the importance of working with the imagery and symbolism of dreams in order to gain greater insight into the unconscious mind.

  2. Focus on the personification of dream figures: Hillman believed that dream figures were not just symbols, but were aspects of the psyche that had their own unique perspectives and experiences. He encouraged individuals to engage in dialogue with dream figures in order to gain greater understanding of the underlying psychological conflicts and motivations.

  3. Exploration of archetypal themes: Hillman saw dreams as containing archetypal themes and images that were universal in nature. He encouraged individuals to explore these themes and images in order to gain deeper insight into their own psychological makeup and the broader human experience.

  4. Attention to the emotional content of dreams: Hillman believed that dreams were not just intellectual exercises but were also deeply emotional experiences. He encouraged individuals to explore the emotional content of their dreams in order to gain greater understanding of their own emotional life.

  5. Emphasis on the creative expression of dreams: Hillman believed that dreams were inherently creative and encouraged individuals to express their dreams through art, writing, or other creative mediums. He saw this as a way of deepening the understanding of the dream and integrating its insights into waking life.

Overall, Hillman's approach to dream work emphasized the importance of engaging with the imaginative and symbolic content of dreams in order to gain greater insight into the unconscious mind. By exploring the personification of dream figures, archetypal themes, and emotional content of dreams, individuals can gain a more holistic understanding of their own psychological makeup and the broader human experience.


Carl Jung over Narcisme


Embodied imagination - Robert Bosnak