A modern approach to working with the Anima & Animus

The concept of anima and animus comes from the analytical psychology of Carl Jung, who believed that every individual has both masculine and feminine aspects within them. The anima represents the feminine aspect of the male psyche, while the animus represents the masculine aspect of the female psyche. These archetypes play a significant role in shaping our personality, behavior, and relationships.

In the past, working with the anima and animus was often approached in a binary manner, with an emphasis on integrating the opposite gender aspect of oneself. However, in modern times, there has been a shift towards a more nuanced and inclusive approach that recognizes the complexity and diversity of gender and identity.

One important aspect of the modern approach to working with the anima and animus is the recognition of gender as a spectrum rather than a binary. This means that rather than simply integrating the opposite gender aspect of oneself, individuals are encouraged to explore and embrace their full range of gender expression. This might involve exploring different aspects of one's personality, behaviors, and relationships, and recognizing how these different facets intersect with one's gender identity.

Another important aspect of the modern approach to working with the anima and animus is the recognition of the influence of cultural and social conditioning on our gender identity and expression. This means that individuals are encouraged to examine the ways in which societal norms and expectations have shaped their understanding of gender, and to challenge and reframe these assumptions in order to cultivate a more authentic and fulfilling sense of self.

Overall, the modern approach to working with the anima and animus emphasizes a more holistic and inclusive understanding of gender and identity, and encourages individuals to embrace their full range of expression in order to cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness and authenticity.

Working with the anima and animus is an important part of individuation (becoming whole). Balancing your inner energies is helping you grow and mature in life.

You can work with us in therapy to examine these archetypes and we will provide professional guidance during your inner work.

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An introduction session is only € 45,-


Anima & Animus in modern times


Het Slimme Onbewuste - Ap Dijksterhuis