Dream Analysis (Robert A. Johnson’s approach)

Robert A. Johnson was a Jungian analyst and author who wrote extensively on the interpretation of dreams. According to Johnson, dreams are messages from the unconscious that can help us understand our inner world and provide insights into our waking life. Here is a general outline of the process of working with dreams according to Robert A. Johnson:

  1. Record your dreams: Johnson emphasizes the importance of keeping a dream journal and recording your dreams as soon as you wake up. This helps to capture the details of the dream before they fade away and provides a record for later analysis.

  2. Identify the key symbols and themes: Johnson suggests focusing on the most vivid and emotionally charged images and symbols in the dream. These are often the most significant and can reveal underlying patterns and themes in the dreamer's psyche.

  3. Explore the personal associations: Johnson believes that dream symbols are not universal but are specific to the individual dreamer. He encourages exploring personal associations to the symbols and themes in the dream. For example, a dream of a snake may have different meanings for different people depending on their personal experiences and associations with snakes.

  4. Consider the collective unconscious: While Johnson emphasizes the personal associations with dream symbols, he also acknowledges the role of the collective unconscious. This is the idea that certain symbols and themes are universal and have a shared meaning across cultures and time periods.

  5. Look for the message or insight: Johnson suggests that every dream has a message or insight that can help the dreamer understand their inner world and guide them in their waking life. This message may not be immediately apparent and may require reflection and analysis.

  6. Apply the insights to waking life: Finally, Johnson emphasizes the importance of applying the insights gained from working with dreams to the waking life. This may involve making changes to behavior, attitudes, or relationships based on the understanding gained from the dream.

Overall, Johnson's approach to working with dreams is based on the idea that dreams are a window into the unconscious and can provide valuable insights into the dreamer's inner world. By exploring and analyzing the symbols and themes in dreams, he believes that we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and make positive changes in our lives.


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