Carl Jung on working with your dreams

Carl Jung was a pioneering Swiss psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology. He believed that dreams are a reflection of the unconscious and that analyzing them can help individuals better understand their inner world. Here is a general outline of the process of working with dreams according to Carl Jung:

  1. Record your dreams: Like Johnson, Jung also emphasizes the importance of recording dreams as soon as you wake up. He believed that this helps to capture the details of the dream and provide a starting point for analysis.

  2. Identify the archetypes and symbols: Jung believed that dreams are filled with archetypes, or universal patterns of behavior and symbols that are present across cultures and time periods. These archetypes and symbols often represent important themes or conflicts in the dreamer's psyche.

  3. Explore personal associations: Jung also believed that symbols and archetypes have personal meanings that are unique to each individual. He suggested that exploring personal associations with these symbols can help uncover their personal significance.

  4. Consider the context: Jung believed that dreams should be analyzed within the context of the dreamer's waking life. He suggested looking at the dream in the context of the dreamer's current life situation, relationships, and emotional state.

  5. Identify the compensation: Jung believed that dreams provide compensation for the conscious attitudes and behaviors of the dreamer. By identifying the ways in which the dream compensates for the conscious attitudes and behaviors, individuals can gain greater self-awareness and insight.

  6. Interpret the dream: Finally, Jung believed that dreams should be interpreted as a whole, rather than just focusing on individual symbols or images. He believed that interpreting the dream as a narrative can provide greater understanding of the underlying themes and conflicts.

Overall, Jung's approach to dream analysis is based on the idea that dreams are a reflection of the unconscious and that by exploring the archetypes, symbols, and themes within dreams, individuals can gain greater insight into their inner world. By analyzing dreams within the context of the dreamer's waking life and looking for compensation, individuals can make positive changes and improve their overall well-being.


Embodied Dream Work - Robert Bosnak


Dream Analysis (Robert A. Johnson’s approach)