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Men's Circle - Jester / Trickster Archetype

  • Jungiaanse Therapie Jack Sharp Park Vijfhuizen, NH, 2141 Netherlands (kaart)

The Jester Archetype is deeply connected to the throat chakra, representing our ability to communicate and express our truest desires. Connected to the heart (King chakra), the Jester expresses himself through various creative outlets such as writing, singing, and art. Like a trusted advisor to the King, the Jester mirrors and provides feedback, even offering advice. In modern times, comedians embody the Jester archetype by using humor to reflect the flaws of our society and the individuals who govern it. However, when the Jester serves a shadow king with a closed heart, it spreads fear, causing division and deceit. The Jester possesses great skill in manipulation, reminiscent of Hermes, the young god who mastered the art of trickery and swiftness, earning him the name Mercurius in Roman mythology. Hermes, the messenger between the underworld and the mortal realm, symbolizes the Jester archetype—a bridge connecting the mind and heart, the soul and ego. Within men's circles, the Jester manifests in the act of speaking one's truth during sharing sessions.

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17 mei

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