Free online men’s circles

Men's Circle - Jester / Trickster Archetype

Men's Circle - Jester / Trickster Archetype

The Jester Archetype is deeply connected to the throat chakra, representing our ability to communicate and express our truest desires. Connected to the heart (King chakra), the Jester expresses himself through various creative outlets such as writing, singing, and art. Like a trusted advisor to the King, the Jester mirrors and provides feedback, even offering advice. In modern times, comedians embody the Jester archetype by using humor to reflect the flaws of our society and the individuals who govern it. However, when the Jester serves a shadow king with a closed heart, it spreads fear, causing division and deceit. The Jester possesses great skill in manipulation, reminiscent of Hermes, the young god who mastered the art of trickery and swiftness, earning him the name Mercurius in Roman mythology. Hermes, the messenger between the underworld and the mortal realm, symbolizes the Jester archetype—a bridge connecting the mind and heart, the soul and ego. Within men's circles, the Jester manifests in the act of speaking one's truth during sharing sessions.

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Men's circle the Warrior Archetype

Men's circle the Warrior Archetype

Exploring the Warrior Archetype connected to the Solarus Plexus, the third chakra. Connected to the God Mars (Ares) God of war. The dark masculine energy. It is our will power, our focus, determination. The element is fire and the color is yellow. It brings structure and direction. Personal power. The ability to take responsibility. Defend and protect. The shadow warrior is destructive, the heart warrior is serving our higher self.

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Our online men’s circle is a solid group of about 10 international men that are likeminded, interested in exploring their psyche and sharing their experience.

What is a Men's Circle?

Have you never been to a men's circle? Not sure if it's for you? Never heard of it? Then this is a good time to discover it. It's non-binding, free and you don't have to share anything if you don't want to. A men's circle is a gathering of men where people can freely share without judgment. You don't get well-intentioned advice, there is no right or wrong. What's going on in you right now is totally welcome.

To bring some structure to the sharing I provide clear journaling prompt around a theme that we discuss. Topics like relationships, conflicts, leadership, but also Jungian themes such as shadow work, working with archetypes and the individuation process.

We do this by using well-known stories, myths, movies such as LOTR, or Gladiator and amplified images of archetypal energies such as the Greek Gods. The evening consists of a number of exercises, writing exercises, visualizations and often also a body-oriented exercise.

We offer this because we believe that the masculine in us and our society should be celebrated. Getting together with men always brings a healing and inspiring energy.

Experience the power of brotherhood for yourself.

Various friendships have already arisen through our programs and men's circles.

We ourselves, founders of Percival, have been involved in men's work for years and attending and guiding men's circles / groups.

Mature Masculinity is our focus. The topics we encounter as men are collective.

You are most welcome. The sessions are via Zoom. You register above this page for free and then you will receive updates.

Please note: if you sign up for a men's circle via email, we expect you to be there.

Until then!

Who are we?

We are three men that have explored our own masculinity and psyche in Jungian Analysis and men groups for years. We offer therapy / coaching in a modern way. Our time demands a lot from us and we are often lived by circumstances, we offer a place for inspiration and meaning. We guide individuals to discover themselves and to balance their inner and outer world. Want to know more? Schedule an introduction session with us.

Therapist, body worker, breathwork facilitator and men’s coach.

Therapist, journalist (MA) and writer who combines Western psychology with Eastern philosophy.

Therapist and coach with love for Greek mythology and martial arts (QiGong, Wing Chun)