Shadow Work Journaling Prompts

Shadow work is a process of exploring and integrating the unconscious parts of ourselves that we may have repressed, denied, or disowned. Here are some shadow work prompts that can help you get started with this process:

  1. What are some qualities or behaviors in others that trigger a strong negative emotional response in you? What is it about these qualities that bothers you? Are there times when you have exhibited similar qualities yourself?

  2. Think of a time when you acted in a way that you now feel ashamed or embarrassed about. What were the circumstances that led to that behavior? What emotions were you experiencing at the time? Are there any underlying fears or beliefs that contributed to your actions?

  3. What are some aspects of your personality or behavior that you tend to keep hidden from others? What fears or beliefs might be driving this tendency? Are there times when revealing these aspects of yourself might be beneficial?

  4. What are some patterns or themes that have emerged in your life that you would like to change? What might be driving these patterns? Are there any unconscious beliefs or desires that are keeping you stuck?

  5. Think of a person in your life who you have a difficult relationship with. What qualities or behaviors do they exhibit that bother you? Are there any similarities between their behavior and your own? Is there anything you can do to shift the dynamic of the relationship?

  6. Imagine a scenario where you are faced with a difficult decision. What fears or desires might be driving your decision-making process? Are there any unconscious biases or assumptions that might be influencing your thinking?

These prompts can help you start to explore some of the unconscious aspects of yourself that might be keeping you stuck or causing you difficulties. Remember, shadow work is an ongoing process, and it may take time and effort to fully integrate these parts of yourself.

We can help. An introduction session with one of us (trained in Jungian Psychotherapy and Coaching) is only € 45,-

The introduction session is only € 45,-


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