Archetype of the Magician

The Magician

The archetype of the magician represents insight, vision, and the power of thought. He is associated with the sixth chakra, the chakra of the third eye. He conjures with reality and understands the creative power of thoughts. In doing so, he walks the narrow line between black and white magic. When he uses his insight for self-indulgence, to stroke his ego, to make money, or to slander others, he leans towards the shadow side of this archetype. The shadow side is represented by the false advisor, the therapist who manipulates or gives insights without love, the consultant who thrives on the power he holds, or the one who offers advice without being asked. The magician is capable of perceiving larger time frames. He has insight into the past and the future and derives his predictions from it. While the sage's knowledge is based on divine inspiration and wisdom, the magician's knowledge is based on study and learning. He is often depicted in a research laboratory, surrounded by scrolls of paper and old books. In a modern form, the magician is the scientist who seeks to unravel the mystery of life, the chemist who analyzes and combines substances, the physicist who explores the workings of the universe, the linguist who delves into language, or the anthropologist who studies other cultures. The magician proves what the sage already knows. He is a man who works with the elements and matter, seeking evidence for his theories. In the business world, he often takes on the role of a staff member or organizational consultant. The magician or wizard possesses a magic wand with which he can direct his energy. A modern vestige of this is the magician's wand used by illusionists to conjure flowers and rabbits.


De Kruisbestuiving Tussen Stoïcisme en Jungiaanse Psychologie


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