What is individuation?

Individuation is a term used in psychology and refers to the process of becoming an individual, distinct and unique from others. This concept was first introduced by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, who believed that individuation was a natural and necessary process of personal growth and development.

According to Jung, individuation involves integrating all aspects of the self, including the conscious and unconscious, the personal and collective, and the masculine and feminine aspects of the psyche. This process involves confronting and integrating shadow aspects of the self, such as repressed emotions or behaviors, and developing a sense of wholeness and meaning in life.

Individuation is a lifelong process that begins in childhood and continues throughout adulthood. It involves self-discovery, self-expression, and the development of a unique personality and identity. It is also closely related to the process of self-actualization, which involves the realization of one's full potential and the fulfillment of one's unique purpose in life.

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