The Heroes Journey

The hero's journey is a narrative structure popularized by Joseph Campbell in his book "The Hero with a Thousand Faces." It is a common pattern found in many myths, legends, and stories throughout human history, and it describes the path that a hero must take in order to achieve personal growth and accomplish a great task.

The hero's journey typically consists of three main parts: departure, initiation, and return.

  1. Departure: The hero leaves his or her ordinary life behind and sets out on a quest. This might be a physical journey or a psychological one, but either way, the hero is leaving the comfort of the familiar and stepping into the unknown.

  2. Initiation: The hero faces a series of challenges and trials, both external and internal. These might include battles with monsters, encounters with magical beings, or psychological struggles with doubt, fear, or temptation. Through these challenges, the hero learns important lessons and develops new skills and strengths.

  3. Return: The hero returns to his or her ordinary life, but with a new perspective and a newfound sense of purpose. The hero has achieved a great task or gained important knowledge, and can now use this to benefit others or society as a whole.

Overall, the hero's journey is a powerful archetype that speaks to our deepest human aspirations and desires. It shows us that we too can face challenges, overcome adversity, and achieve greatness if we are willing to step out of our comfort zones and take the journey.

We can guide you on your heroes journey. Often the departure can be a challenging period where everything you thought you knew seems to fall apart. Schedule a session to explore how we can help.

The first session is only € 45,-